Free Bridal Shower Game Ideas

There are 44 games in Free Bridal Shower Game Ideas. Find a game your guests will love. Browse below to choose one of these fun Free Bridal Shower Game Ideas to play at your wedding shower.

Pass the Bouquet

This game is played like “musical chairs”, but instead of the guests moving, you pass a bouquet of flowers. You can use either the bride’s favorite music for this game, or just use the wedding march song to really get the “wedding” feel.

Have all your guests sit in a circle and hand the first person the bouquet. Start the music and have your guests pass the bouquet until the music stops. When it stops whomever is holding the bouquet is “out.” This keeps going until there is no one left. The last person holding the bouquet wins a prize.

Note: The “bouquet” can be substituted for anything you like, such as a garter, a photo of the bride and groom, even a small wrapped present (which you can use as the prize at the end).

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Lucky Penny

This game is the perfect door prize game, and usually a nice surprise for the winner. Take a penny and tape it under one of the chairs your guests will be using. Don’t let on about the penny until after all the guests have arrived and are seated. Then ask your guests to look under their seats. The guest who finds the lucky penny taped to their chair wins a prize!

For a more personal touch you could use a small photo of the bride, or of the couple, to tape under the chair. For a themed event, use an item to match the theme such as a flower for a garden party or shell for a beach themed shower. Just make sure that you can’t see the item taped under the chair until they are looking for it or some of your guests might catch on.

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Bridal Shower Household Poem

The bride is seated in front of the party so everyone can see her. A good time for this is right before the presents are to be opened and everyone is seated around her. She is then told that they have a poem for her that will be read by the hostess. The poem is written with a nice selection of brand name household products in it and while the poem is read, the bride opens the “gifts” that corresponds to the poem, revealing the brand names that fill in the blanks.

Type up the poem, substituting a number for each product name. Wrap each household product “gift” individually and number them to correspond with the order they appear in the bridal shower household poem. Have the hostess read the poem and when she gets to a number have the bride open that numbered gift, filling in the blanks of the poem. You can also just have the household items unseen in a box to the side and while the hostess is reading the poem have her (or a helper) hand the bride the household products unwrapped, one by one, when she gets to it in the poem. Make sure the timing is right on this so that the household items aren’t brought out before it’s read.

We have two versions of the poem for you to use, but you can change it to add or take out any products or well wishes you want to make it more personal.

Bridal Shower Household Poem – Version 1

Dear (Bride's Name),
As you prepare for marriage, and are so filled with JOY, we wanted to let you in on a little SECRET. We know you think (Groom's Name) has a really CHARMIN personality, and in physique, might be BRAWNY, you may soon find out that he is no MR. CLEAN. There may be times when he makes you want to SHOUT, but don't send out the S.O.S. because he might VANISH. (Groom's name) will bring you CHEER and you will find him to be your white DOVE. He will always be there to SNUGGLE with, and be a best friend to fill your life with extra ZEST. When you are together you will find JOY, so remember your PLEDGE and give him your ALL. May your marriage be filled with a BOUNTY of love and stand HEAD & SHOULDERS above the rest.

To See Household Poem Version 2 CLICK HERE

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Name 4 Things…

Tell all your guests you have a quick game to play to get the party started. Give each guest a scrap of paper and a pen (or pencil) and ask each person to write down 4 things they think the bride should bring on her honeymoon. When everyone has written down 4 things time is up.

Finding the winners is simple… it’s anyone who wrote down the “Groom”!!

You can hand out small prizes to anyone who answered correctly by mentioning the groom as one of their 4 items, just make sure to have enough prizes for everyone. You might not even need any prizes, you will be surprised how many times this game gets played with everyone forgetting to mention the groom as a needed honeymoon item!

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Two Truths & a Lie

When your guests have all arrived and are seated have each guest introduce herself and then tell the group three things about herself — two are true, one is a lie. The rest of the guests must each guess which statement was the false one. After each guest has placed her “bet” on which was the lie, the “liar” must confess to and reveal which it was. Sometimes this game can get a little naughty, so be sure if it’s not appropriate, to lay down some ground rules first to keep things clean.

You will be surprised how often the true statements are more outrageous then the actual lies, and it creates perfect opportunities for story swapping and getting to know each other.

Some guests may be shy, so when it’s there turn advise them to just choose 3 “themed” statements. For example, “My first car was a white Honda, My first apartment I had 8 roommates, and My first job was a donut taster.”

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Bridal Shower Games That Dress The Bride

Every bride wants to look like a princess on her wedding day. So what better way than to ask her closest friends to help her get dressed! Here are some bridal shower games that dress up the bride for her big day. Perhaps the look created may not be exactly what the bride had in

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Needle & Thread

Ask the bride to leave the room for a few minutes. Get one of the girls to hold up a needle. Ask the bride to come back into the room and try to thread the needle. The girl holding the needle needs to keep moving it around a bit so that the bride cannot thread it.

The fun part is when the bride leaves the room; tell all the guests that the conversation about to occur between the bride and the person holding the needle, actually is the conversation that will occur between the bride and the groom on their wedding night! Between all the “stay still”, “I can’t get it through the hole!” and “darn, missed again!” that goes on, the laughter will hit an all time high.

Of course, the poor bride won’t have any idea what the big joke is until you have all had a blast! Just make sure she is an easy going gal or she may get embarrassed.

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The Cinderella Bride

This is best played at a co-ed shower or “couples only” shower where the women will be with their husbands or boyfriends. Have all the couples get together or pair all the people at the bridal shower so you have a team of a man and a woman.

Have all the men leave the room, but don’t tell them anything about the shoes yet or they will instantly look to see what is on their partner’s feet ruining the game. While the men are gone have all the women take off their shoes. Each woman will be putting one of their shoes in the center of the room and the other shoe to the side in a pile (we are only using one shoe here). When this is done and the pile is nice and mixed up have the men return. Explain to them that just like Cinderella, their women need their shoes found, and it is up to them to find it.

When the whistle blows, the men need to pick up the shoe that they think fits their partner and put it on her foot. If it doesn’t fit, or is not hers, they need to put the shoe back in the center and get another.

Most men don’t know which shoe is their wife’s and that creates for plenty of confusion and ruffled feathers! Even guys who do know their wife’s shoe find it difficult to pick the right one from amongst so many, and the guys who pick shoes randomly will cause problems for the rest of the men.

This is a really fun (and funny) game that most women will get a kick out of (pun intended).

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The Chef’s Apron

Buy a nice apron and pin as many kitchen related utensils and things on it that you can. You can buy new kitchen items or use borrowed items, you will just want a nice selection of items like ladel, strainer, measuring spoons, dish towels, etc. When the bride arrives ask her to wear the apron and walk around the room for a couple of minutes, this is a nice time to have guests mingle and talk.

After a 10 minutes or so send the bride to another room to remove the apron (she can come back so as not to miss the fun!) and give your guests paper and pens. Ask the guests to write down as many things as they can remember seeing on the bride. The player who remembers the most number of things wins. You will be surprised how many people can’t remember what they saw on the apron even after talking to the bride for a while.

If you choose to buy a new apron and new utensils to pin on the apron, this makes a great bridal shower gift for for the bride, too.

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More Bridal Shower Games That Involve Food

Here are 3 more fun (and funny!) games to play with food. Food Bridal Shower Game #4: Marshmallow Mania Make a list of names of some famous people. Let the list include some easy pronouncing names like Tom Hanks and some tongue twisters like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Now get the girls to call out the names

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Let ‘er Rip!

Take a roll of toilet paper and walk around the room offering it to each guest. Ask each guest to tear off as much paper as they normally use at one go. This will result in a riot of laughs as each guest is too shy to reveal such a personal thing and wonders what the others think about her. Be prepared for a rousing round of comments. Some guests may be offended by this, so if this seems a bit too personal for your group you can also just give each guest the same amount of sheets without asking this delicate question.

Once all the guests have their share of paper, ask them to create a “gift” for the bride using the toilet paper. You will be surprised what some women can come up with. The most creative gift, as chosen by the bride, gets a prize!

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Games That Send You On Scavenger Hunts

Women’s purses are like Pandora’s box. Once opened you never know what will come out! So why not get them to dig around and see what all they can find for the bride. Here are some great games that involve scavenger hunts. Scavenger Hunt Bridal Shower Game #1: Loosen The Purse Strings Make a list

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Co-ed “Find Your Groom”

Since this game requires ladies to be familiar with the man they are paired up with it’s best played at co-ed “couples” showers where the ladies will be coming with their husbands or boyfriends.

Get all the guys at the party to roll up their pant legs till their knees are showing. Have the men sit in chairs in a row and blindfold the bride. The bride’s job is to feel the knees of each of the men and then guess which is her groom! After the bride takes a turn you can allow all the ladies to have their own turns to find their significant other, too (just make sure to have the men switch places around between turns).

This game is funny enough in it’s own right that a winner is not needed, but if you want to choose a winner you can play it round robin style with the ladies taking turns until they miss and the last one standing is the winner, or you can play it timed with the fastest correct guess getting the prize.

Be sure to note that you need to be sure that the bridal couple is absolutely ok with this game. If necessary, run the game by the bride and groom and get their “ok” before you play it. Since there will be a lot of friendly contact you don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea, and you certainly don’t want to be the cause of any arguments occurring later! Might even give them an excuse to practice at home before the party!

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Bridal Shower “Play Dumb” Charades

This is a bridal shower prank that is a variation on traditional charades, but with a risque twist that will leave your guests laughing. Have the bride play first (don’t worry she will be the only player!) and assign her a movie. The idea of course is to assign her a “naughty” movie like Basic Instinct.

Secretly let all the girls know that they are NOT supposed to get the movie right and to “play dumb.” When the bride starts enacting her movie instead of guessing correctly have your guests make suggestive remarks based on the bride’s actions and let the fun begin as the bride blushes!

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Introducing “I”

Once all the guests have arrived get them to sit in a circle so that they can all see each other. Let the bride start the game by saying her name and an adjective describing herself. However, the adjective must begin with the same letter as the name. So the bride can say, “Hi I’m Susan and I’m Sweet”. The next girl has to introduce herself similarly AND add the bride’s introduction as well. So she says, “Hi, I’m Angela and I’m Assertive and this is Susan and she’s Sweet”. The next person introduces herself and the two before her and so on and so forth.

It can be pretty difficult to remember all the names but everyone makes an effort so they end up remembering more than they otherwise would. You can also adapt the game to a theme shower by asking the girls to use adjective related to the theme. So for a garden theme party, Susan would be someone who loves Sunflowers and Grace could be someone who loves gardening.

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“Guide The Groom’s Broom!”

Pair up the guys and gals at the bridal shower to form couples or have people select a partner. If it’s a large party you can have the bride and the groom play this one alone, though at that point it’s just hilarious for the guests and more like a comedy show.

You will want to get a roll of toilet paper and a broom with a long narrow handle that will fit inside the hole of the toilet paper roll. If you only have one broom each couple can take a turn, or if you have a few brooms to use all the teams can go at once.

Blindfold the “groom” and ask him to hold the broom between his knees. Let the “bride” hold the toilet paper roll between her knees. The groom then needs to guide the broom into the toilet paper roll – with only the verbal help of the bride of course – no touching allowed.

If you are playing one at a time just make sure to time each teams turn, quickest time wins, or if playing all at once the first “broom in” wins!

This is a perfect game for a co-ed shower since many people will come as a couple and you will have pre-made teams, but it also can be played at a women only party, just have the teams choose who will be the broom and who will be the roll.

The analogy of a wedding night in progress will have everyone in stitches! On a side note this game could embarrass a few brides (or guests) so make sure your group is up for the fun and the bride is ok with this type of game.

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Bridal Shower Games That Involve Food

Your mother may have told you to never play with your food, but surely a bridal shower can be the exception to the rule. No party is complete without great food and here are some games that will really have your guests talking about the delights they had! Food Bridal Shower Game #1: Bridal Hot

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Fish Out The Rice

Get a 5-10 pound bag of long grain rice and some small safety pins. Pour the rice into a large bowl or jar and mix in the safety pins. Now there are two ways to play this game; play it straight, or for fun, make it a gag game.

Play it straigh: Mix the safety pins well with the rice. Each guest needs to fish out as many safety pins as she can in a span of two minutes. It sounds easy but if you actually try it, digging through rice hunting for a safety pin is very difficult. To really make it challenging have the player wear a blindfold, too. The player who finds the most in two minutes wins.

The gag version: Tell the guests they need to find the safety pins BUT don’t put any pins in there at all! Just for demonstration sake, sneak a pin into the bag, act like you are fishing around and “find” the pin. Then let the guests take a turn each. When the first few guests can’t find a single pin, their reactions will be worth watching. Of course, after 2-3 guests, the rest will catch on. For being good sports you can give prizes to the ones who “played.”

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Bridal Shower Gift Bingo

Another version of the classic bridal shower bingo game many people have played. The gift version is very popular since it is so random and it gives your guests something to do while the bride opens her presents.

Make a set of bingo cards with 25 empty spaces. Fill in the spaces with names of presents the bride may be getting instead of numbers (nightgown, blender, necklace, gift certificate, bubble bath, etc). You will need to make one bingo card for each guest playing, and make sure the gifts are randomly shuffled on each card.

Many places have software you can use that will randomly create an unlimited number of bingo cards for you, so if you are not up to doing each one by hand, or you have more than a few guests, you many want to try that instead (check out the fee based, online Bingo Card Generator).

Hand out markers or pens to your guests to mark the cards. As the bride opens her presents the guests can tick off the present on their bingo cards if they have it. The guest who gets a complete line filled in and has bingo first, wins.

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“Let’s Make a Deal” Purse Game

Have all the ladies get their purses and get ready. Using the list below, or make up your own, call out the items one by one.

The first person to produce the item from their purse and shout it out wins a small prize. Keep it going until all your prizes are gone.

Item List Ideas

Drivers License
Granola/fruit bar
Nose spray
Postage stamp
Lipstick/lip gloss
Credit card
5+ credit cards
Kids toy
Ipod/MP3 player
More than $100
Cell phone
Nail file
Compact mirror
Zip-Loc bag
Hand sanitizer
Hair clip
Band aid
Breath mints
USB Flash Drive
Sewing kit
Nail polish
Playing cards
Business card
Library card
Pic of yourself
Nail clipper
Jar of baby food
Breath spray
A Piece of fruit

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