Cinderella had a prince find her slipper, we have husbands and boyfriends. Great game for co-ed showers and the perfect fun for the ladies to sit back and enjoy as the men run about.
This is best played at a co-ed shower or “couples only” shower where the women will be with their husbands or boyfriends. Have all the couples get together or pair all the people at the bridal shower so you have a team of a man and a woman.
Have all the men leave the room, but don’t tell them anything about the shoes yet or they will instantly look to see what is on their partner’s feet ruining the game. While the men are gone have all the women take off their shoes. Each woman will be putting one of their shoes in the center of the room and the other shoe to the side in a pile (we are only using one shoe here). When this is done and the pile is nice and mixed up have the men return. Explain to them that just like Cinderella, their women need their shoes found, and it is up to them to find it.
When the whistle blows, the men need to pick up the shoe that they think fits their partner and put it on her foot. If it doesn’t fit, or is not hers, they need to put the shoe back in the center and get another.
Most men don’t know which shoe is their wife’s and that creates for plenty of confusion and ruffled feathers! Even guys who do know their wife’s shoe find it difficult to pick the right one from amongst so many, and the guys who pick shoes randomly will cause problems for the rest of the men.
This is a really fun (and funny) game that most women will get a kick out of (pun intended).