This game is a pretty easy game to put together, and amazingly more difficult than it looks. You will be very surprised how competetive some ladies can get trying to find small safety pins!
Get a 5-10 pound bag of long grain rice and some small safety pins. Pour the rice into a large bowl or jar and mix in the safety pins. Now there are two ways to play this game; play it straight, or for fun, make it a gag game.
Play it straigh: Mix the safety pins well with the rice. Each guest needs to fish out as many safety pins as she can in a span of two minutes. It sounds easy but if you actually try it, digging through rice hunting for a safety pin is very difficult. To really make it challenging have the player wear a blindfold, too. The player who finds the most in two minutes wins.
The gag version: Tell the guests they need to find the safety pins BUT don’t put any pins in there at all! Just for demonstration sake, sneak a pin into the bag, act like you are fishing around and “find” the pin. Then let the guests take a turn each. When the first few guests can’t find a single pin, their reactions will be worth watching. Of course, after 2-3 guests, the rest will catch on. For being good sports you can give prizes to the ones who “played.”